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Colonic Therapy

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What is the most common cause of constipation and diarrhea?

Stress is the most common cause of constipation and diarrhea. Stress tightens the nerves and muscles so that they twist and distort out of shape. They lock up into a holding position not permitting a release. At other times when the toxic chemicals build up, the colon becomes irritated, so tries to flush the contents out with diarrhea. When stress occurs, we use up the Magnesium and B vitamins that should be abundantly present in the colon to keep it relaxed and flexible. A lack of magnesium can cause the colon to tense up and even get spastic. Toxic chemical load and the presence of fermentation and putrefaction will do the same. They irritate and aggravate the nerves and muscles. Toxic buildup and a lack of oxygen is a perfect environment for bad bacteria, fungus and parasites to grow.

A poor, unhealthy diet with deficient digestion adds to a toxic, stressed colon.


What is autointoxication?

All of the body’s tissues are affected by autointoxication. If the toxic chemicals back up into the nervous system, we feel irritable and depressed. We feel weak if they come back up into the stomach, and our breath is foul if they reach the lungs. If the toxins back up into the skin, it becomes sallow and wrinkled. If they back up into the glands, we feel tired, lacking enthusiasm and sex drive, and look old beyond our years. Dizziness can be another indicator of toxic build-up.The end result is dirty blood. Autointoxication can be a causative factor in numerous serious diseases.

Toxic chemicals, mucus, gas & bloating

When a person is constipated, toxic chemicals build up due to congestion. Poor digestion of proteins and starches cause putrefaction and fermentation. The body then makes mucus to try and protect itself from this toxic chemical irritation. The mucus then forms a barrier of chemicals embedded in the walls. The colon is unable to absorb nutrition effectively to all of the cells of the body. Wastes that should normally be drawn in through the colon wall are reabsorbed by the body causing toxic organs and allergies. Intestinal stasis occurs when the muscular contractions known as peristalsis can no longer sweep the mucus, toxins and feces along the alimentary canal. The opposite effect is diarrhea which occurs when the body reacts to excessive toxic chemicals by stepping up the frequency of the peristaltic wave action. When the toxic load becomes too great in the colon, it will gas off causing the release gas and the bloating out of the tissues. The best answer is to cleanse.

What is the colon?

The colon is a tube approximately five feet long and 2-1/2 inches in diameter. A healthy colon is shown in the illustration. It extends from the cecum, where it joins the small intestine, up the right side, across the abdominal cavity just below the navel, and down the left side of the body. It extends to the sigmoid that is in the lower left abdomen to the rectum. It has two sets of muscles to propel its contents forward; long muscles that move like a wave, and round muscles that squeeze the stool along.

How is our colon supposed to function?

The colon completes the digestive process. It absorbs minerals, nutrients and excess water from the digestive residue of food we have eaten, and discharges toxins and waste materials out of the body. When the colon is clean and healthy, we experience a feeling of well-being. When it is congested with stagnant toxic chemicals, these poisons back up into the system and pollute the inner environment. This is called autointoxication - literally, “self-poisoning”


How do we tell if the colon is healthy?

Ideally, a person with a colon that functions normally should have about as many bowel movements (BMs) as she/he has had meals the previous day. Otherwise, once or twice a day is adequate. Just because you have a bowel movement every day does not mean that you have a healthy colon.  A myriad of other health symptoms indicate colon toxicity. The true definition of constipation is that there is still something in there that needs to come out even though daily elimination occurs. The same definition can be applied to diarrhea even though releasing several times daily.

Proactive wellness through personal hygiene.

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